Monday 22 September 2008

Uncertainty Principle

Each generation must deal with the events gone before. How the combined effort of one generation would deal with consequences of causes set in motion already is mind boggling. Each man and woman has his or her own viewpoint and specific goals. They merely respond to their own needs but their cumulative effect is an avalanche that will wipe away the cobwebs of ideologies any politician may represent. How? There is an uncertainty principle at work here.
Consider the present economic woes in the US. The idea that market regulates itself is a premise that many Americans robustly would subscribe to. Correct me if I am wrong: The Republican party ‘ emphasize the role of corporate and personal decision making in fostering economic prosperity. They support the idea of individuals being economically responsible for their own actions and decisions. They favor a free market, policies supporting business, economic liberalism, and fiscal conservatism…’(wikipedia). How would that be translated, I mean, with the uncertainty principle set into the process?
Let me explain.
Traditionally banks gave out home loans to customers and they were directly responsible to the customers as well as to the Central Bank, which saw to the banking practices conformed to the directives. In India as far as I know it still is the practice.
But with time in America banks became intermediaries and many investment banks competed with one another to get a piece of the action, in this case customers. In such a competitive world they must boost margins. And securities firm took very large bets with very little resources of their own. Where was the U.S regulation when dog-ate-dog and risks changed hands in such manner the right hand didn’t know what the left hand did? The traditional banks in the middle were left holding a chain of upstream and downstream links, none the wiser for all the brouhaha of economic activity about them. They didn’t know off balance sheet risks when they routinely scanned them.
GOP abhor controls. Free market for them spells salvation. When the Giants like Merril Lynch, Lehman Brothers bite the dust, the much vaunted Republican spirit would need a bailout plan from Washington. Cumulative effect of economic transaction is an avalanche that wipes out the cobwebs of ideologies of the party. Republican party’s plan for fostering economic prosperity sounds good on paper. But their lack of proper understanding of human motives or this principle makes it far from sound.

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