Tuesday 2 December 2008

Duality on A Wider Scale

Duality of life places man and woman as indivisible part of the same being. In the Mind of God from which every inspiration to do good resides they were as one. ‘Male and female created he them, ’so the Bible tells us. To this part I can wholeheartedly say ‘Amen’.
However in the same creation story we read of Adam’s rib and such like. I could explain it by making it as though an allegory. In the same fashion one may explain away every difficulty. To my rational mind it sounds travesty of Truth. If we believe The Bible is God’s word and inerrant, any double somersaults with Truth confuses the issue.

The Book is meant as reproof, instruction and also building up our lives. I know now in part. On this earth we are merely beginners. In the worlds to come we may grow in knowledge and it is more likely after we have put away this corruptible body we may see the Word with a different mindset. Then what we may be concerned shall have different emphases too.. Law was engraved on stone tables during the time of Moses and law writ in our hearts signify different stations in our upward growth. As spiritual beings we shall need no Book. 'To my curious mind I conceive notions of being a part of the same book. The congregation of saints in Zion has no Sun or Moon as such (rev.22:5) and no Bible either . But we are all pages, sentences, commas, parentheses and so on.' :

‘For the love of money is the root of evil; which while some coveted after…pierced themselves through with many sorrows.’Is this not sound advice for the year of the plague (economic meltdown is one such)? It is sadly human nature that the more street-smart we become we forget as many home truths as well. Do I think we would learn any lasting lesson from this global meltdown? I do not think so unless World governments are clear eyed and can sit together to enforce adequate controls for regulating the financial systems.
Duality of man works its way outwards. Man is indivisible from nation and nations part of the whole. Exploiting any nation’s wealth by a superpower as we have seen repeated in Asia, Africa and in the Middle East is one way of digging the very foundation of that power.
Is not the very Bulldog like trait of Great Britain now more like a mongrel?

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