Saturday 29 November 2008


The Galapagos archipelago is a group of volcanic islands situated under the equator created barely some 2.5 million years old. Being young its flora and fauna have helped scientists from all over to study evolutionary process that takes place at any ecosystem. Charles Darwin modeled his theory of natural selection from his extensive studies on that island. Finches blown there by a freak storm for instance developed into a separate species. The birds having developed a taste for worms from the tree trunks or mites from the body of turtles have their beaks modified for the specific purpose. They also are known to eat eggs rich in protein, which they break by dropping on the rocks below.

Marine iguanas are unique to the island. The species are some 5’(150 cm) long and larger than the iguanas found in South America. These marine iguanas specially feed on special algae that grow only on the rocks under water. It is essential for their growth. They can remain underwater for half an hour foraging their food. They have sharp claws that they use to hold on to the slippery rocks despite the strong currents. Chance may drive finches and iguanas to an inhospitable terrain but the skills acquired by them to make available resources adequate for survival speak of something else.
I do not mind if I sound being contradictory. I have no trouble with Science: the mind who shouts ‘Eureka’ does so under the inspiration of the Highest. Why? Archimedes, to give him a name, from a casual event of a bath found something else that could benefit whole mankind. The act of a bath in his tub must have held the secret always. Only what he needed was inspiration.
Similarly cannot God let a chance create universe as though it was ever meant to be?
Tailspin: what we call Chance is a cocoon from which certainty of life must burst through. Inversion principle works here. Which comes first chicken or eggs? Neither. Both are to be seen indivisible of life in its power. Duality of life and dissolution reconciled into one depending upon what you want to look at.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Spread It Around

Western democracy drew muscle from Greek model while Adolph Hitler was much impressed with Spartan model and it led him to a totalitarian form of government. Inspiration from ancient history or from social malaise of the day leads man to seize control. Or think of a prophet who sees visions of Zion and take control of the state. His mission is to form a theocratic state but ensures his authority by fire and sword. Isn’t such mad prophet also working under inspiration?
Think of Oneness of Things as Truth, a constant. God is Truth while inspiration is the office of Holy Spirit. The man who wants to take control and impose his will over others is working with love. I mean love of power. It doesn’t matter if it is for good or bad. Love and inspiration of life forms do two things: changeability of circumstances gives every man an opportunity to test his love and the spirit that animates him. It also is Nature’s way of equipping species with survival skills. Species who make a niche in the rain forests draw from experience, and their survival in micro climate under inspiration describe Darwin's theory. Natural selection it is called.

Tailspin:Truth, Inspiration and Love signify Trinity in secular vocabulary.

Sunday 23 November 2008

Apocalypse, the play

Place:in the spirit world

Phantoms in white are floating around and two among them discuss about a coming event.
Angel #1:The Venerable in Years have at last agreed to attend the show. Do we kick our heels high and present a dance routine?
Angel #2: we have past the age of levity. We have no ears to trick us; nor have we a heart to admire nimble footed chorus line.
The angel who is rather new to the world feels rather embarrassed and asks, “OK I spoke out of turn. You are rather familiar with what the Old Man likes.”(At this moment a horde of specters like voice of great thunder gravitate to them.)
In unison, “ Here we have a showstopper , a new song parts written for four beasts.”
Angel #1: “Four beasts?”
“The chorus:”yes, the lion, I roar;you be the eagle”
Angel #2 ‘”yes I have talons”
Angel#1 you mean talent. Is it not?”
Angel#2: Don’t be a square. Don’t be too literal.
Angel #3 “ I play the part of the ox.”
Angel#1 ( brightly) It is a hoax then.
One angel buts in, “I play the part of man.”
(The crowd disperses in merriment. It is obvious the coming event has made them all livelier. Angel#2 also follows them asking the Angel#1 to come and enjoy the show.)
Angel #1 spots a mount with a lamb on it.
(aside) Mt. Sion.
A voice, ‘What did you say?’
Angel#1 ‘ Who are you?’
The voice: John of Patmos
Angel#1: ‘The show isn’t meant for you. Go back to your devotion,if that makes you feel better.
Angel#1 catches up with Angel#2 and asks in whisper,”Who are these an hundred forty and four thousand each having a symbol stuck on their foreheads?
Angel#2: These are cues for a quiz show.(points to the four beasts)
Angel#1 ‘What do they represent?’
Angel#2 ‘since we are not the ones to guess, I will tell you. They represent Ezekiel. You know your Bible. Don’t you?’
Angel #1,’Oh Ezekiel’s vision by the river Chebar.’
Angel#2:’Right-o’ These 144000 are words from the Bible that we have not fully understood. They are going to tell us what they represent.
Angel#1‘Oh I see. I always had difficulty to digest the verse Mt 5:29-30
Angel#2: “Are you going to see with your eyes or with your inner eye?
Angel#1 with a laugh,”You know well we have no physical eyes but inner eye.”
Angel#1( in serious vein) Then I don’t have to be concerned. Come the show has begun.
Meanwhile St. John the Divine furiously scratches in a scroll. ‘And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the Mount Sion….’(rev:14:1)

Friday 21 November 2008

Don't Knock on my Ideals

One Man’s Perfection Is...©

As a scholar Su Tungpo was fascinated by Buddhism but Foyin, his friend went as far as to become a monk. Su Tungpo remained a chussu that meant that as a Confucian scholar he could live in married life without being a monk. Because of his great prestige some of the monks faulted him when great many chose to remain chussu as he did. One day Foyin called on him and said how his fame in art and literature had invoked many to turn away from leading the life of a monk he said:” My name has nothing to do with fame or with what others may want to do with theirs.”
“Still it cannot be helped but to notice how people closely read your criticisms and your views on art and life. Your life is a symbol, a sign.”
“Perhaps you are right.” Showing sheaves of papers thrown into the ground Su Tungpo said,” I have made for myself a symbol. Till I achieve that perfection all my literary exercises end up there.”
Foyin picked out one piece from the floor and read the lines and said:” I find them faultless.”
“That is where we differ... in the matter of what constitutes as perfection. Allow me to follow mine.”
One man’s perfection is another man’s second best.

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Blind Leading The Blind

Democracy as a form of government, as any other suffers because of people who are placed in positions of trust. These invariably betray the trust overcome by their faults as soon as any temptation presents itself as the proverbial forbidden fruit. It may be ambition, that one may be itching to get ahead over the heads of so many; in another the temptation comes in the form of some misplaced idealism where the man is out to discredit the government which he doesn’t believe in. Or it may a chance to make a quick buck. Of the last I have to say thus:
‘Greed is moral blindness in that man who struck by it sees nothing but greenbacks as a jaundiced man sees everything yellow’.